About NCC

Arts and Recreation Programs

Nepperhan Community Center Art Network
Go to www.nccartnetwork.com click on the link to art gallery, and explore a world of unlimited and beautiful art pieces by some of the world’s most renowned artists. By purchasing an item or two from the art network, you will be helping to support the Nepperhan Youth Tackle Football Program.

Annual Boat Ride Around Manhattan
One of our major fundraising events is held in September of each year and supports our youth programs, as well as the major renovation project currently underway. Join us for an evening of fine dining, great networking opportunities, dancing, and yearly acknowledgment of one of Yonkers’ Lifetime Achievers. For more information, please contact the agency office:

  • Ms. Wilda Luciano, 914.562.6353.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Celebration
The commemoration of perhaps the nation’s foremost civil rights leader is held at the Nepperhan Center on his national holiday at 8:30am each year. This celebration honors community residents that have emulated the life of Dr. King and features one of the nation’s foremost motivational speakers. For more information or to secure a journal add, please contact:

Gateway Summer Basketball Program
Days of operation: Tuesday and Thursday during the summer months; and Monday and Wednesday from December through March. Participants are 17-26 years old. This program provides a tough recreational basketball league as the hook for intensive, job readiness training, career counseling, educational assistance, and job searching technique workshops. For more information, please contact:

Summer Camp
NCC’s Summer Camp meets Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm during July & August, for children of working parents. Streetwork Monday through Saturdays (outreach & recruitment of community teens, and referrals to programs with positive alternatives). For more information, please contact:

Nepperhan’s Gateway Community Chorus
The Gateway Community Chorus was started in the summer of 2015 as part of the overall vision of Dr. Bostic for the agency. The community chorus members range in age from 9 to17 and they meet every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 – 6:00pm at NCC. For more information, please contact:

Rushin Do Karate School
This program teaches the art of self-defense to children ages 4-12, with an intentional focus on self- discipline. Classes are held every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm and every Saturday morning at 10:00am. Each class lasts one hour. For more information, please contact:

  • Sensei Sean Seawright, Instructor at 914.943.9581.

Gladiators Youth Tackle Football
Our Youth Tackle Football Program serves children 5-15 years of age. The program operates year round, and competes in the American Football League. For more information, please contact:

  • Ralph McKinney, Head Football Coach at 914.413.8478.